Institute of Politics

What Would Milton Friedman Do About Climate Change?

Climate change is an issue that largely splits between party lines. But when it comes to the best approach to confront climate change, economists of all political stripes are weighing in with free market solutions. In Free to Choose, Milton Friedman's 1980 book and 10-part PBS television series, the famed UChicago economist had a lot to say about the power of free markets to solve problems where other solutions have failed. So, what would Milton Friedman do about climate change? How do we apply Friedman's approach in the 21st Century? And what are the real-world economic and political realities of addressing climate change in the U.S. and as an international community? Join us at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics (IOP) and Energy Policy Institute at Chicago (EPIC) as we convene a panel of experts to explore these questions. _Moderator : _Former U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC), IOP Spring 2014 resident fellow _Panelists: _Michael Greenstone, the Milton Friedman Professor of Economics and director of EPIC and Steve Cicala, assistant professor at the Harris School of Public Policy Presented in partnership with EPIC and the Green Economic Group. Lunch will be provided.

  • Steve Cicala Assistant Professor, The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy
  • Michael Greenstone Milton Freedman Professor of Economics, the College, and the Harris School, The University of Chicago, Director, Energy Policy Institute
  • Bob Inglis Former U.S. Representative (R-SC)

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